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Aki, did you want to ask me something about your work?
Yes. I need your advice on how I should set my priorities. As you know, there's been some trouble at ABC Machinery's factory, and I've been called out to their factory three times already this week. On top of that, Jane's been on sick leave for the past three days, and her projects are taking up at least three hours of my day. I was supposed to have started preparing for next month's event a week ago, but I still haven't been able to get to it. There's also the market research report you requested. I'm afraid I won't be able to complete that on time, either.
I see. I hear you've been working overtime these days.
Yes. I've been trying to do the best I can, but frankly speaking, I have too much to deal with. How would you like me to prioritize?
Let's see. First off, you obviously can't cut corners with ABC Machinery, so that will be your number one priority. Can you think of anyone else who may be able to take care of Jane's projects?
I don't think so. I'm the only one who knows what's going on.
OK, so I'm going to have to ask you to keep covering for Jane, too. As for event preparations, I'll talk to Ethan and try to get someone from his team to help you. And the research report ― supposing Jane comes back to work next week, do you think you can get it done if you had one more week?
Yes, I think so. That'll make things much easier.
Great. Thank you for coming to me with this, Aki. Keep me updated on the situation.
Yes, I will. Thank you, Pat.


I need your advice on how I should set my priorities.
具体的な事情の説明を始める前に聞きたいことを簡単に述べています。この例のようにある程度複雑な指示が必要な場合は、I need your advice on…(~についてアドバイスをいただきたいのですが)と切り出すと良いでしょう。set one's prioritiesは「優先順位をつける」という意味で、prioritize my tasks(作業の優先順位を決める)などと言うこともできます。
I've been trying to do the best I can, but frankly speaking, I have too much to deal with.
I have too much to deal with.は「対処すべきことが多すぎます」という意味で、I have too much on my hands.と言い換えることもできます。状況によっては、I've hit a wall.(壁にぶつかっています)、I'm stuck.(行き詰まってしまいました)、I'm at the end of my rope.(万策尽きてしまいました)などと言うこともできます。
How would you like me to prioritize?
How would you like me to…?は、直訳すると「あなたは私にどのように~してほしいですか?」、つまり「どのように~いたしましょう?」と指示を求める表現です。How would you like me to handle this?(これにはどう対応すれば良いですか?)、How should I deal with this situation?(この状況にどう対処すれば良いでしょう?)、What would you like me to do with…?(~についてはどうすれば良いですか?)などと言ってもOKです。複数の選択肢を提示できる場合は、Would you like me to work on A first or B?(AとBのどちらを先にすれば良いですか?)などと尋ねても良いでしょう。
First off, you obviously can't cut corners with ABC Machinery, so that will be your number one priority.
cut cornersは本来「近道をする」という意味ですが、そこから派生して「手を抜く」「無駄を省く」といった意味でも使われるようになった表現です。
OK, so I'm going to have to ask you to keep covering for Jane, too.
cover for…は「~の代わりをする」という意味で、fill in for…やstep in for…と言うこともできます。「Aさんの代わりに会議に出席する」は、in…'s placeという表現を使い、attend the meeting in A's placeとなります。
And the research report ― supposing Jane comes back to work next week, do you think you can get it done if you had one more week?
supposing…は「~と仮定して」という意味です。よりカジュアルな言い回しではsayと言い換えて、Say you got an appointment with the CEO, how would you persuade her?(社長とアポが取れたとして、彼女をどのように説得するつもりですか?)のように言うこともできます。

ライター 伊東 裕子 
Yuko Ito

愛媛県出身。早稲田大学卒業後、月刊誌『English Journal』(アルク)の編集に携わった後、フルブライト奨学生としてボストン大学院プリント・ジャーナリズム学科修士課程にて学ぶ。帰国後、米系経済通信社で英文記者職を経て、英文誌『Mini World』編集長に就任。2003年中経出版にて雑誌『English Zone』を創刊。2009年株式会社グローパルを設立、雑誌『English Plus』(成美堂出版)監修、『オタリーマン』シリーズ他のマンガ企画、書籍・デジタルコンテンツの制作&プロデュースを行っている。
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