TOEIC Bridge® Listening & Reading Tests

Test Schedule/Application

The TOEIC Bridge Listening & Reading Tests are held six times a year in 23 test sites nationwide(Sapporo, Iwate, Miyagi, Mito/north of the prefecture, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Ishikawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Okayama, Hiroshima, Ehime, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Okinawa).

Test Schedule

Official Score Certificate Sent
Sun., Oct 1, 2023

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Wed., Oct 18, 2023
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Mon., Jul 10 to
15:00 on Thu., Aug 31, 2023

Official Score Certificate Sent
Sun., Nov 19, 2023

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Fri., Dec 8, 2023
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Mon., Sep 4 to
15:00 on Thu., Oct 19, 2023

Official Score Certificate Sent
Sun., Feb 25, 2024

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Wed., Mar 13, 2024
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Mon., Oct 23 to
15:00 on Thu., Jan 25, 2024

Official Score Certificate Sent
Sun., May 26, 2024

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Thu., Jun 13, 2024
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Mon., Mar 4 to
15:00 on Tue., Apr 23, 2024

Application closed
Sun., Jul 28, 2024

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Thu., Aug 15, 2024
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Wed., Apr 24 to
15:00 on Thu., Jun 27, 2024

Application open
Sun., Sep 29, 2024

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Thu., Oct 17, 2024
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Fri., Jun 28 to
15:00 on Thu., Aug 29, 2024

Application starts:
Fri., Aug 30
Sun., Nov 17, 2024

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Fri., Dec 6, 2024
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Fri., Aug 30 to
15:00 on Thu., Oct 17, 2024

Application starts:
Fri., Oct 18
Sun., Jan 26, 2025

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Thu., Feb 13, 2025
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Fri., Oct 18 to
15:00 on Thu., Dec 19, 2024

Application starts:
Fri., Dec 20
Sun., Mar 16, 2025

Digital Official Score Certificate issue date
Thu., Apr 3, 2025
※Official Score Certificate will be sent out by mail within 35 days of the test day.

Application Period

10:00 on Fri., Dec 20 to
15:00 on Thu., Feb 13, 2025

Test Centers

  • Test centers are normally schools or public facilities.
  • Your admission ticket shows your test center details (test center name and address).
  • You cannot specify your test center.
  • Please do not contact the test center directly.

Steps from Application to Testing


Check the schedule

First, check the test dates on the Test Schedule page.


Apply for the test

You can apply online.

How to Apply/Test Fees

Prepare for the test

Get ready to take the test. You can use the learning support tools or test examination books on our website.

Learning Support and Materials

Admission ticket arrival

Your admission ticket will arrive about two weeks before the test.
Click "Receiving Admission Ticket/Undelivered", and refer to the section titled "If Your Admission Ticket Does Not Arrive."

Receiving Admission Ticket/Undelivered

On test day

Test day has finally come. It's time to put into practice everything you've learned.

Test Day Information

If You Require Priority Support Service

If you have a disability or require special consideration for health reasons, you can request Priority Support Service. This will allow us to provide an environment as closely suited to your needs as possible. Please contact the IIBC Test Operation Center before submitting your application.

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