

Propell® Teacher Workshopとは?

Propell Teacher Workshopは、TOEFLテストや TOEIC Programを開発する米国ETSが開発した、英語教員のための全編英語で進行する1日完結型のワークショップです。
本ワークショップでは、4技能を測定するTOEIC Bridge Tests の各設問のねらいや採点基準など、同テストに関する理解を深めるだけでなく、生徒の発話を促すアクティビティなど指導の現場ですぐにご活用いただけるアイディアをご紹介します。


Propell® Teacher Workshop for the TOEIC Bridge® Tests の特長

特長1 全編英語のワークショップ


特長2 ETS公認トレーナーが講師

本国アメリカにおいてトレーニングを受けたETS公認トレーナーが、TOEIC Bridge Testsの採点基準や英語学習の教授法を説明します。

特長3 TOEIC Bridge® Testsについて理解を深められる

実際の受験者の解答を講評。TOEIC Bridge Testsの採点基準について理解を深めたのち、実際の解答を使用して採点の練習を行います。

特長4 現場で活きる実践型英語教授法を学べる


特長5 公認修了証書を進呈



  • How to set learning goals:学習目標の設定方法について
  • Teaching and Learning Strategies:効果的な指導と学習の方法について
  • Scoring Rubrics and Methods:言語活動における採点基準や方法について
  • Overview of the TOEIC Bridge Tests:TOEIC Bridge テストの概要説明
    ... and more ... and more



  2023年8月19日(土) 10:00~18:00

  2023年9月16日(土) 10:00~18:00

  2023年9月23日(土・祝) 10:00~18:00











【仙台】2023年8月10日(木) 17:00
【大阪】2023年9月 1日(金)  17:00
【東京】2023年9月 8日(金)  17:00





横川 綾子 氏

横川 綾子 氏



明治大学国際連携機構 特任教授
明治大学におけるグローバル人材育成教育の一環として、留学志望者・経験者を対象とする英語プログラムの開発、留学促進、海外教育機関との交流推進を担当する一方、TOEFL iBT Propell Workshop Facilitator, TOEIC(4 skills) Propell Workshop Instructor等として、英語教員や学習者対象のセミナーを全国各地で行う。
2019年にTOEIC Bridge Propell Workshop Instructor (4 skills) にも認定。


一般財団法人 国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会(IIBC)

  • ワークショップでは、ペアワークやグループワークを実施いたします。運営の都合上、遅刻・途中退出はお断りいたしますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • お申し込みは、おひとり様1回限りとさせていただきます。
  • セミナーの模様は、静止画・動画などで記録いたします。
  • 当日、発熱があったり体調のすぐれない方は、参加をご遠慮くださいますようお願い申し上げます。


About the Propell® Teacher Workshop

The Propell Teachers Workshop is a one-day hands-on workshop carried out entirely in English by a lecturer trained and accredited by ETS, the developer of the TOEIC program, the TOEFL Tests and the GRE. The workshop not only introduces activities which can be implemented immediately in an educational setting such as motivating students to speak, but also provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their understanding of the TOEIC Bridge Tests such as the aims of each question and scoring criteria as well as providing examples of use in lessons.

By participating in the workshop, you may find pointers towards any questions or problems which you have encountered through teaching the English language, or it may provide a setting for you to exchange information with other participants, or for brushing up your teaching skills in the use of English language for self-expressive purposes. We will provide you with a meaningful English language experience.

ETS: Established in 1947, ETS is the world’s largest non-profit organization for developing tests. Based in the State of New Jersey, in the United States, the organization develops tests with a high degree of reliability targeted for the United States and abroad.

Features of the Propell® Teacher Workshop for the TOEIC Bridge® Tests

Feature 1 The workshop is carried out entirely in English

The workshop is carried out entirely in English with a constant exchange of practical English, from lectures through to participatory activities, questions and answer sessions.


Feature 2 ETS accredited instructor

An ETS accredited instructor, who has received training in the United States, will spend the whole day explaining the scoring criteria for the TOEIC Bridge Tests and teaching methods for learning the English language.


Feature 3 Deepen your understanding of the TOEIC Bridge® Tests

Review the answers from real test takers. After deepening your understanding of the scoring criteria of the TOEIC Bridge Tests, we will use answers from real test takers to practice grading.


Feature 4 Practical English teaching methods to achieve a dynamic classroom environment

You will learn how to plan dynamic classroom activities and learning objectives which aim to motivate learners. You will also have the opportunity to utilize the workshop as a setting to exchange information and opinions with other participants.


Feature 5 Receive a certificate of workshop completion

After completing the workshop, you will receive an ETS accredited workshop completion certificate.

Program (scheduled)

  • How to set learning goals
  • Teaching and Learning Strategies
  • Scoring Rubrics and Methods
  • Overview of the TOEIC Bridge Tests
    ... and more ... and more

Registration for this seminar has been closed.

Workshop Details


  Saturday, August 19, 2023 10:00-18:00

  Saturday, September 16, 2023 10:00-18:00
  KITENA Shin-Osaka

  Saturday, September 23, 2023 10:00-18:00
  The Institute for International Business Communication

A lunch break and short breaks are included.

The workshop content for both venues is the same.

Please refrain from contacting the venue.


Free of charge

Maximum capacity

Each venue 20 people

Please note that if too many applications are received, we will hold a draw.

We will send you the results of the draw and how to participate the workshop by wednesday before the opening day, to the email address which you registered with us in your application.

Application due date & time

【Sendai】Thursday, August 10, 2023 17:00
【Osaka】  Friday, September 1, 2023 17:00
【Tokyo】  Friday, September 8, 2023 17:00


English language teachers of high schools and equivalent educational institutions
(Preferably teachers who have more than three years of experience teaching English language directly to students)


ETS accredited instructor

Ms. Ayako Yokogawa

Ms. Ayako Yokogawa

Designated Professor, Organization for International Collaboration, Meiji University

Ms. Ayako Yokogawa


Graduated from the Department of International Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, Sophia University
Obtained a Master’s degree (M.S.Ed.) from the Graduate College of Education, Temple University (TESOL [Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages]) and currently studying in the doctoral program at the Graduate College of Education, Temple University (Applied Linguistics)
As part of Meiji University’s global human resources education, Professor Yokogawa is in charge of developing English language programs targeted towards students who want to study abroad or who have already experienced studying abroad, advocating for students to study abroad and promoting exchanges with overseas educational institutions. She also holds seminars throughout Japan targeted towards English language teachers and learners as a TOEFL iBT Propell Workshop Facilitator, TOEIC (4 skills) Propell Workshop Instructor. In 2019, Professor Yokogawa was certified as a TOEIC Bridge Propell Workshop Instructor (4 skills).


The Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC)

  • The workshop includes pair work and group work. Please note that for operational reasons, we do not allow late arrivals or leaving in the middle of the workshop.
  • Please note that application is restricted to one session per person.
  • The seminar will be recorded using still images and videos. Please note that we may use these images for promotional objectives on the internet (such as the TOEIC official website) or various publications (such as leaflets, books, newspapers or magazines).
  • If you have symptoms such as fever, please refrain from participating the workshop.

Registration for this seminar has been closed.

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