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Fukuda Stationery Company
8-2-6 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, Japan 135-2200
Phone: (81)3-xxxx-xxxx
Fax: (81)3-xxxx-xxxx
URL: www.fukudastationery.co.jp
Fukuda Stationery Company Advances Overseas
New offices abroad and related organizational changes
Tokyo, January 16, 2012: Fukuda Stationery Company announced today that it is planning to open branches overseas in the fall of 2014. Overseas expansion has been Fukuda Stationery's long-standing ambition, and the company went ahead with making its dream come true after orders from overseas clients doubled last year. The company is scheduled to open branches in Hong Kong and Korea in September 2014, and in the United States in November.
According to Hiroshi Okada, CEO of Fukuda Stationery, "It was a very tough decision to make, but the ongoing efforts of our employees and increased profitability pushed us to expand overseas." Okada also said, "We would not have been able to go ahead with this if it weren't for the strong support and cooperation of all our valuable clients. I'd like to seek their advice and encouragement as we look to the future while we will put more effort into expanding our business."
With this decision, the company will focus its business in three areas—Tokyo, Nagano and Osaka—so that it can prepare for close coordination with overseas branches. Details concerning organizational changes will be announced the middle of next month.
About Fukuda Stationery Company
Fukuda Stationery Company is a stationery company launched in 1952. The company is involved in the production and distribution of various stationery items, and its products range from pens and paper to scissors and calculators. The quality and reasonable pricing of their products has an established reputation. The company has 30 percent share of the domestic market.
Misa Takeshita
Fukuda Stationery Company
Phone: (81)3-xxxx-xxxx
E-mail: misa_take@fukudastationery.co.jp
- Fukuda Stationery Company
- プレスリリースでは、最初にレターヘッドや会社のロゴを入れ、自社の社名が目立つようにします。
- Fukuda Stationery Company Advances Overseas
New offices abroad and related organizational changes - プレスリリースにはタイトルとサブタイトルを入れます。一目見て概要がわかるようなタイトルにしましょう。タイトルはふつう、過去や未来のことでも動詞の現在形を使って表し、本文よりも大きめの文字にします。
- Tokyo, January 16, 2012: Fukuda Stationery Company announced today that it is planning to open branches overseas in the fall of 2014.
- 本文を始める前に、発信地と日付や時間を記載します。また、プレスリリースは自社から発行するものですが、主語にはweやour companyではなく、Fukuda Stationery Companyのような会社名やthe company「同社」などを使い、新聞記者が記事を書いているような文体にします。
- According to Hiroshi Okada, CEO of Fukuda Stationery, "It was a very tough decision to make, but the ongoing efforts of our employees and increased profitability pushed us to expand overseas."
- これは「Fukuda Stationeryの代表取締役、Hiroshi Okadaは『非常に難しい決断でしたが、社員の不断の努力と業績向上が後押しとなり、海外支店の展開を決定いたしました』と語った」という意味です。プレスリリースでは、取締役や開発者などの責任ある地位の人のコメントを引用することで、読み手にインパクトを与えることができます。引用する場合には<人+told that ~>の形ではなく、クオーテーションマーク( " " )を使って表すと、いきいきとしたプレスリリースになります。
なお、肩書を表す表現は会社によってさまざまですが、CEO (=Chief Executive Officer)「最高経営責任者」、CFO (=Chief Financial Officer)「財務担当責任者」、CTO (=Chief Technology Officer)「技術担当責任者」、chairperson「会長」、president「社長」、executive vice president「副社長」、board member「取締役」、department head〔manager〕「部長」、section chief「課長」、deputy manager「部長代理」、branch manager「支店長」などがよく使われます。 - About Fukuda Stationery Company / Contact
- 最後に自社の会社概要と連絡先を明記します。会社概要では、事業内容、特徴や強みを簡潔にまとめます。launched in ~「~年の創業」、be involved in ~「~に携わっている」、have ~ percent share of the
domestic〔international〕 market「国内〔国際〕市場で~%(のシェア)を占める」などの表現を使うとよいでしょう。Contact「連絡先」はこのプレスリリースについての問い合わせ先です。
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