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UIA Insurance, Customer Service, Janice Wade speaking. How may I help you?
I'm Masaki Takada of AYG Company, and I'm in Sydney on business now. I'm covered by your standard business plan.I'm not feeling well and I'd like to see a doctor. I'm calling to ask which hospital I should go to.
I understand, Mr. Takada. Could you give me your insurance card number and the name of the hotel you're staying at?
I guess this is it ... It's 605-287-3122. I'm staying at the International Hotel in Sydney.
Would you like me to call an ambulance or would you like to go to a hospital on your own?
It depends on how far the nearest hospital is.
The nearest hospital is Douglas Memorial Medical Center, which is a 10-minute drive from your hotel. Gene Hospital is only a 5-minute walk from there, but it's not affiliated with us, so you'll temporarily have to bear the full cost for treatment.
I think I can take a cab to Douglas Memorial. Should I show my card at Reception?
Yes, please take the card, the insurance policy and your passport with you. Regarding the doctor's fee, you don't have to pay it because your insurance covers it. Please make sure to get a receipt for your treatment expenses and a copy of the medical certificate, which you'll need to make a claim. When you get back to Japan, please fill out a claim form and send it to us, along with the receipt and the certificate, within 90 days from the date of your return.
Could you repeat the documents that I have to get at the hospital?
A receipt for your treatment and a copy of your medical certificate.
All right. Thank you.
Oh, just for your information, you can ask for an interpreter at the hospital. Hope you get well soon.
Thank you very much.


I'm covered by your standard business plan.
これは、保険加入者であることを伝える表現です。be covered by ~は「(保険)~に加入している」という意味で、I have ~ insurance (plan).、I carry ~ insurance (plan).も同じ意味で使います。
I'm not feeling well and I'd like to see a doctor.
I'm calling to ask which hospital I should go to.
I'd like to see a doctor.「診察を受けたい」と伝えて、どの病院に行ったらいいか尋ねる表現です。「どの病院に行ったらよいか尋ねる」と言うときはaskのあとが<疑問詞(名詞)+主語+動詞>という順になることに気をつけましょう。I'm calling to ask where the nearest hospital from ~ is.「~の最寄りの病院はどこか尋ねるために電話をしています」と言うこともできます。
Could you give me your insurance card number and the name of the hotel you're staying at?
保険証番号と宿泊先の名前を尋ねる表現です。単にYour insurance number, please.「保険者番号をお願いします」のように言われることもあります。
It depends on how far the nearest hospital is.
Would you like ~?「~を希望しますか」と尋ねられた場合に、「(条件を示して)~によります」と答えるときの言い方です。It depends onのあとに<疑問詞+主語+動詞>の形を続けます。この文は「最寄りの病院がどれくらい遠いかによります」という意味です。Would you like me to call an ambulance?「救急車を呼んでほしいですか」と聞かれた場合、希望通りであればYes, please.で答えてもいいでしょう。
Should I show my card at Reception?
これは「受付でカードを見せるべきですか」という意味です。病院で提示すべきものなどを尋ねる場合はShould I show ~?、Do I need to show ~?などの形やWhat should I take to the hospital?「病院には何を持っていけばいいですか」のように言うとよいでしょう。
Could you repeat the documents that I have to get at the hospital?
聞き取れなかった場合は、Could you repeat that?またはCould you say that again?「もう一度おっしゃってもらえますか」と言って確認しましょう。話す速度を緩めてほしい場合はCould you speak more slowly?「もっとゆっくり話してもらえますか」と言います。いずれの文にも、youのあと、もしくは文末にpleaseをつけると丁寧なニュアンスになります。


    英語教材専門の編集プロダクション。1990年設立。ビジネス英語、一般英会話から、大学用英語テキスト、中高生用学習教材、幼児・小学生英語まで、幅広く原稿執筆、編集制作、DTPならびにCD、DVD制作を行う。最近の制作物には『旅コトバ帳シリーズ』(成美堂出版刊)、『コメディドラマでENGLISH』(デアゴスティーニ刊)、Asahi Weekly連載記事など。

      English Upgrader+はTOEIC Programの出題内容とは関係ありません。日々の英語学習にお役立て下さい。


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